Saturday, August 14, 2010
Today I spent all day with Airlie Mae. Wes works on Saturdays again for the time being so that leaves the day after 2 pm to Airlie and me. We did a whole lot of nothing today, but at the same time we did so much. We stayed home the majority of the day and then this evening met some Mommy friends for dinner at the OC. Today consisted of playing hide and go seek, dress-up, reading a multitude of books, pushing around the flinstone car, chalk on the walk, playing in the pool and then of course a bath. Airlie's sweet laugh is enough to bring me to tears and she is so fun! She now knows that my name is Mom and that she can call me by it so she follows me around the house saying Mumumumum. It is so funny. Her new favorite game is hide and go seek and so we played that a lot today. She thinks it's hysterically funny when I jump out and scare her. We had an absolute ball just hanging out. I love days like today. She just gets more fun everyday!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
So every time I think of something I want to write on here I am no where near a computer. Most likely I am either in bed, jogging, or driving. I need to look into that blackberry ap where it dictates what I say into a word document. So anyway. Here I am finally sitting down to capture some happenings in our life on paper or ah on screen I guess...
The months since I last wrote have been a whirlwind of sorts. This summer has been crazy and I am yet to catch my breath. We kicked off the summer with Airlie's 1st birthday which I have previously blogged about, then we moved right into my 30th birthday, a trip to Pennsylvania, the 4th of July, a trip to Myrtle Beach, 3 birthday parties for our good friends children, my mom leaving us for a vacation in PA for two weeks, Wes's uncle and his family came to stay with us and then we went to visit them in Myrtle Beach for a weekend, Wes's Mom coming to stay with us, Wes's mom's side of the family vacationing at Ocean Isle for a week, and then us leaving for Chicago for a week. Whew. Like I said total whirlwind.
So after the celebration of my 30th birthday we had some days off in June and decided to take an impromptu trip to Pennsylvania and surprise Wes's dad for Father's Day. We had a great time enjoying the non-humid weather and Kneobel's Amusement Park in PA as well as just enjoying spending time with Wes's family. Airlie was an angel in the car for the full 20 hours. What a sweet girl she is! July 4th weekend Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy and Casey came to stay with us on a Friday night and then on Sunday we went to see them at their condo in Myrtle Beach. Their whole family was there with their kids. It was fun to watch Airlie with all her little cousins! It was nice for all of us to get a few hours to catch up. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again in October at Linsey's wedding! Then, with my mom leaving us for two weeks I needed to find sitters for Airlie while she was gone. I was overwhelmed with the support my lovely stay at home mommy friends were willing to offer. What a sweet reminder of the wonderful ladies I am friends with in this town. I was worried that Airlie would not adjust well to being at numerous different houses throughout the week, however she did fine. She napped, ate, played, and had an overall great time with all the mamas and their kids. This made me so happy! After the first week was over Wes's mom came to stay with us and watch Airlie during the day. It was interesting for me because Deb and I are almost never alone just the two of us, it's usually the whole family. It was nice to have some one on one time with Deb and just talk about things we don't normally get to talk about. Airlie also adjusted well to staying with her through the day. Then after this week was up the whole Quinn clan showed up for a week at Ocean Isle Beach. We ventured over to hang with them 3 or 4 times and Airlie had fun hamming it up with all the cousins. They were all so great with her and really made us feel loved. I hope that in the future the beach trip ends up close to us so we can spend more time with everyone! Last but not least we ventured to Chicago for 5 days, just Wes and I. Chicago is an awesome city. I must have been asleep in geography when we learned about it, but I had no idea that the Chicago river ran through the city or that it bordered Lake Michigan. Wow, what a pretty place. It was so cool to be in the city and then have a beach and palm trees right down the street. We had fun learning the subway system, eating at many many great restaurants, shopping, seeing Chamberlain! and just enjoying time with just the two of us. I really fell in love with Wes all over again during this week. We really needed some time to ourselves. I also realized that 5 days was way too long for me to leave Airlie. I missed her way more than I thought I would and by the last day after missing our flight due to the fact that we NEEDED to eat at one last restaurant, I was in tears. I missed her so much and couldn't wait to get back and get a hug. She was equally excited to see us and the next day pretty much let me hold her all day. So sweet. In other non-traveling news Airlie was taking a few steps at the beginning of July but now is walking and running full force. She is all over the place and growing up way too fast. Her baby rolls are slowly disappearing and she is getting taller and quicker. My baby is becoming a little girl. So, whew, that's what's been going on here the last few months. In August we have virtually no weekend plans and I am excited to do nothing!!! Here are some photos to capture the memories...
Wes and I at Wrigley Field

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