Monday, November 15, 2010

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

So I have another post from the summer typed and ready to go but I need to add pictures to it that are on a throw away camera (because I lost mine for a week) but I just never remember to develop those pictures. So alas, that post will come out of sequence, gasp.

Anyway, back to now, back to today and how I have been reading and thinking and reminiscing and just wanting to capture my feeling of being so full of love for Airlie on paper, or screen, so to speak.

We had a really nice weekend, although we didn't do much of anything and it was pretty ordinary it was just nice. As I watch Airlie grow into a little girl from a baby girl I am reminded everyday just how sweet she is. I love watching her try to be me. She puts a purse on each arm and off she goes to her little flintstone car. She attempts to put both purses and her stuffed dog and sometimes a baby in the car with her. Then she tells me, "Bye, bye, mama, see u 'morrow." She is definitely starting to use her little imagination. She also is so helpful to me. She picks up laundry that I drop, as she says, "oops" then says "here you (go) mama!" and hands me whatever it is that I might need help with. I am 100% sure that a little boy will never want to help me so much if we ever have one. she likes to narrate what we are doing and I hear lots of times during the day, "I eating" or "I sitting." I love the sweet innocence she looks up at me with as she says "up mama" and how now as she is coming to understand her emotions and body more she actually likes to rest on my lap even if it is just for a moment. On Saturday after Wes went to work I told myself I wouldn't do any chores I would just enjoy Airlie and I'm proud to say I did just that. As a working Mom it's easy to just try and get everything done around the house on the weekend but I don't want to miss out on these times with Airlie. I want to soak everything in, to remember the make-believe, the dressing up, the wanting to be me, the helpfulness because I know she won't always like me this much. Her sweet voice each morning saying Mama and every night saying Nite, nite is enough to make this mama's heart melt. And she now seems to say a new word everyday. This weekend she pointed out the moon and the sun to me and told me I was holding a spoon and a fork. She waves "bye-bye", blows kisses to MamMam (the name she gave my mom) and asks for Dada every night at bath time and every morning when I get her up. Thank you God for this beautiful sweet daughter of mine. She makes everyday a little sweeter.