Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jesus loves me

Yesterday was the first day for us as a family of three in a while. First Wes's sister Cori came to stay with us and then the day she left Wes's parents got here for a couple of days. We had a really nice time hanging out with the family and celebrating Wes's birthday for an entire week. (I don't think he minded) We went to the beach, the park, and many, many restaurants! Airlie really enjoyed seeing Aunt Cori and as she has named Wes's parents, Mank and Gramp! So anyway, back to last night, we went out to dinner and after dinner we were driving to Old Navy and Wes started singing with Airlie. Then I said to Airlie let's sing Daddy the song we sing at night when you're going to bed. I sang, "Jesus loves me..." and Airlie continued to sing the entire song on her own! We're driving along and I'm doing my very best to hold in the tears and not break down into a blubbering mess! I glance over and my sweet husband's eyes are filled with tears also. What a sweet, sweet sound coming from the back seat of our car. I cannot believe that Airlie is growing up so fast. I have said it a million times before but I never knew how much I could love someone until I became a mother. I do love Wes with all my heart, but there is something different about the love for a child because they can't fend for themselves and they are so small and sweet and innocent their unconditional love that they pour out is just amazing. Airlie has also begun to get the jist of our prayers at night and the night before last joyfully proclaimed, "thank you for the park! Amen!" Sweet girl that I love so much!