Friday, March 19, 2010


So last night I'm sitting at home looking through a cookbook for something to cook this weekend on one of the nights when my husband is actually home and feeling sorry for myself that he is NOT home most nights with me. Lately it seems easy to fall into this trap of feeling sorry for myself and not being motivated to do anything at all. I don't know what my problem is. I don't know if it's the dreary weather that has plagued the south more so this year during winter than normal or what but for whatever reason lately I am s e r i o u s l y draaaaaaagggggggging all the time. So last night I thought suck it up Kristen, your husband is in the country, he does sleep in your bed every night and it could be a lot worse! I then pulled out my bible and my Solo book to do a lesson. The book flipped open and landed on a page. I thought what the heck, I'll just do this lesson. It's title: Gratitude. Seriously? Oh yes, God is at work all the time and right at this given moment apparently He wanted to be heard. so I did the lesson which had me write a list of all the things I am grateful for, wow, the list is plenty! I have nothing to be unhappy about. Reality check well taken. In other news, it is spring, officially. The first day is tomorrow and to welcome spring Mother Nature seems to be happy enough to give us a couple of days of warm sunshine. I couldn't be more excited to spend some time outdoors with friends and family. Airlie Mae is growing up right before our eyes. She is on the verge of crawling and has five teeth! She is also trying hard to talk and at times I believe she is saying Daddy, doggy, dog, Hi, Hiya, and what's that, but I'm not positive. She pats her baby when she hugs her and says, "Awww." It is so adorable. She is happy and healthy and thriving and I couldn't ask for a better baby. SHe is just so pleasant all the time. My favorite times of the day are still morning and evening feedings when it's just her and I snuggled together and quiet. So of course here are some pictures to accompany this lovely little post. Enjoy!

Looking like such a little girl.

Happy 10 month birthday baby girl!

Look at those teeth! CHEESE!

Wes and Airlie downtown

All dressed up for Daddy's birthday celebration

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved those morning/evening feedings the best too! Enjoy her while she's still little- it goes too fast!