Resting in my awesome tent Daddy built me!

On my way to the beach!

This past weekend was a very productive weekend for the Bechtel family and if you are a parent with small children you know that productivity is a pretty big accomplishment. First of all, we managed to get the whole family out to the beach and stay a while. Again, anyone with small children knows that when taking a trip the amount of crap you end up lugging with you is ridiculous. But we did lug it all out to the beach and managed to hang out for a couple hours. It was really fun! Airlie has been to the beach before, but not to actually hang out, mostly for just short walks in the Baby Bjorn or the sling, but this time she got to lay on a blanket in the sand and put her toes in the water which she seemed to enjoy! Mommy and Daddy also really enjoyed being at the beach, soaking up some sun and checking out the sand castle building contest that was going on! After the trip the beach we grilled out and had a relaxing evening at home. Sunday however was anything but relaxing, we were on the go and did all kinds of fun things. We had Belgian waffles and sausage for breakfast, took trips to Target and Costco, made bread in our new breadmaker, made homemade trail mix and played some volleyball at Captain Bills. Needless to say we were all worn out by the end of the day.
Airlie is really growing up quickly, too quickly. She is a little over two months now and has learned to smile, laugh, and stick her hands in her mouth far enough to choke herself! She is also grasping on to things and seems to be recognizing her name. Everyday is so wonderful to see her learn and grow. My absolute favorite time of the day is when she wakes up in the morning and I go in to get her from her crib. As soon as she sees me appear over the side of the crib she is full of smiles. My heart melts everytime. She surely is full of fun and a very happy baby. She is adjusting well to being away from me during the day. Although my Mom is keeping her for me and that puts my mind at ease knowing that it's not a stranger it does not make it any easier to leave her in the mornings. I miss her so much it's crazy! Just when I thought I could be a stay at home mom and got used to being home all day I had to come back to work. Such is life I guess. Hopefully someday I'll be able to stay home part time and work part time, I think that would be a great balance for me, but for now I just have to trust that I am where God wants me and spend as much time with my little babe in the evenings and on the weekends. Speaking of weekends, we're headed back to the beach this weekend to watch the East Coast Wahine Contest, aka girls surfing! Fun times! Another reason why I love living at the beach!
1 comment:
SO ADORABLE! What a precious little peach! Thanks so much for sharing pictures with us! So your mom moved down there too? That's nice!
Ahhh... I'm so glad I checked your blog tonight before bed. This was just what I needed tonight!
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