Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's a girl!

I think I've had writer's block for a couple of weeks. I just haven't had anything to say on here, even though we found out that the baby is a girl! Yay! Now it's a she, not an it, which is much more real, yet still I'm having a lot of trouble warming up to the fact that in four short months we will have a little girl in our house. I thought for a long time that this baby was a boy, but I think i only thought that because people have told me that boys are much "easier" Wishful thinking. I have to admit though, I am excited for softball, dance recitals, and doing my little girls hair. For Christmas dresses, dolls, and all girlie things that entail childhood. I am also really excited about decking out the nursery not with "excessive pink" as Wes put it, but with accents of pink. After the first of the year I plan to get thenursery in order and start a registry, both sound very overwhelming to me right now! I think I better get through holiday mode first and then switch into baby mode! Just looking at lists of things that you might want or need for a baby makes my head spin! There are so many things and so little explanation as to what you actually need. My girlfriends have been a huge help, but still it is not going to be the easiest task to decide on all the excessive baby gear that is out there. I also pray that this child gets more of Wes's temperament than mine. As he is much more laid back and mellow than me. I am more high stress and I was known to give my Mother a bit of a hard time. Let's hope that doesn't come back to haunt me! Welcome to parenthood. Lord help me.

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