Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What are we waiting for?

Cultivate Change. That's the title of our most recent series at Port City Church and I must say Mike's words have caused me to dig deep within my soul and contemplate how I might change this world, if even just a little bit. I have been thinking about my "soil" so to speak and if it is good soil because we have also talked about this in recent weeks. I might be a bit biased, but I think my soil is good. It might not be great soil, it might not be like the package of Miracle Grow potting soil that turns your basil plant into a basil bush that takes over your whole front yard, but it is definitely good soil. Soil that can grow many things with a little attention and the desire to grow something magnificent.

The weekend before last, the Port City service was centered around the song Waiting on the World to Change, by the ever so popular, I've dated every pop icon, model, and singer there is in the last 6 months, John Mayer. I must say I was a bit skeptical when learning of this. You see, now that Wes is super cool and a part of the production team at Port City, he gets the list of songs for the service before anyone else, which basically makes him a super star. Now I told Wes just because he knows the songs beforehand doesn't mean I want to, but alas he was listening to the songs in the living room and I happened to over hear Waiting on the World to Change, which of course caught my attention. My first reaction was, that's not a Christian song!! I thought about it and wondered how Mike was going to use this song to convey his message and then to be honest, I forgot about it. Then come Sunday I was astonished at just how well the song fit with the service and just how great Chad sounded up there rocking it out.

So that leads me to the title of this blog, what are we waiting for? What am I waiting for? Since I've moved to Wilmington and starting going to church again on a regular basis I must say that a fire is burning from within. I feel God prodding me and pushing me to do something, what that is I do not know, but I do know it's more than just going to church, more than just volunteering for Grow Zone, but something bigger. For a type A personality, perfectionist kind of girl like myself, it is extremely difficult to not know exactly what it is God wants me to do. After listening to Mike talk about how everyone in this generation is just waiting for the world to change (just like the song says) and waiting for someone else to pave the way for them, waiting for life to get a little easier, or for things to fall into place, so then their life will be complete, I realized that that is not what life is all about. Even if every single piece fell into place, our puzzles will be far from complete if we are not still yearning for a relationship with Jesus Christ. I wanted to stand up and yell, stop waiting, do something! I did not, however, for fear that Wes would run from me in embarassment and never attend another Port City service with me ever again. But I did pray and reflect on this message and I've been praying about it ever since. I've been praying, that God, doesn't let me wait around and let my life pass me by without thanking Him everyday for everything I have and without working hard to make a change in this world. I pray for the faith and trust to let go of the wheel, and let Him drive me to what it is He has waiting for me because in the end that's all that matters.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I love your new blog so much! I especially enjoyed this post and am so encouraged to hear about your walk growing walk with God. Even more awesome to hear that Wes is growing in his faith as well! It's amazing what I've seen couples do for God together. Keep Stephen in your prayers - he's just not receptive to God right now, but I know that God has a plan for his and our lives! Keep the great posts coming!!!