Monday, August 25, 2008

Be still

I must say that after being married for almost three years (it will be three years September 24th!, yay!) things can tend to get a tad bit mundane. I mean seriously you can only "surprise" one another with nice things so many times before they in turn also become routine, which bothers me a great deal. Although I am a stickler (word?) for routine, routine also annoys me. I know I'm crazy. I mean don't get me wrong I like to go to walk the dogs in the morning, go to the gym at lunch, run the loop after work, make dinner, talk with Wes and read before bed on a daily basis and I freak out when this routine gets messed up, but the thought of my married life, my relationship with Wes, becoming routine really freaks me out. However, it is virtually impossible for this not to happen after years of being together, so I think any couple must take the proper actions to avoid having a boring relationship and put a lot of effort into keeping the relationship fresh and new!

Wes and I both have been slacking in this area for sure. I often try to blame him for this, however I do need to take the blame for part of it. I get so caught up with making sure that everything in our house is in its place, lunches are made, dinner is on the table and the dogs are walked that if he were to say let's just go do this or that on a week night I'd be like ah, but it's a week night and then my routine will get messed up. AAAAAAAh it's like a vicious cycle. So anyway, on Friday night,even though I had planned to cook dinner and even though the chicken already defrosted and even though we probably shouldn't be spending money on dinner we went down to the beach instead. We walked and walked on down the beach for I dare say a couple of miles. The temperature was perfect. There was barely anyone out there and I was excited when I realized that the days of tourists are winding down and the days of fall are drawing near and we could find solitude on the beach. We got it, barely a soul in sight. It was great. After walking for a while and heading back up the beach to Tower 7 for dinner we stopped and hugged and just stood there on the beach, eyes closed, breathing in the salt air. It's nice to just take a minute out of the routine days in your life and thank God. Mike reminded me of this on Sunday when he said that God says, "Be still and know that I am God." For me being still is nothing short of a miracle! If I am still you can probably bet that I am sleeping on most occasions. But on Friday night I was still and I could feel God's warmth all around me. I turned around to tell Wes how happy I was that we had taken the time to come down to the beach when he quickly said to me "Shhh, I'm praying." My heart melted. You have no idea what it sounds like to hear your husband say that to you after so many years of wondering if he ever, ever would. No idea. The feeling inside my heart was so overwhelming I thought that my chest might burst. I feel as though I've almost gotten all over the top with my talk of God as of late, but it's so hard not to talk about him when he is ever so present in your life. I hope I don't freak anyone out, but really this blog is as much for me to vent and express my feelings then anything, and I'm not obligating anyone to read these ramblings, so I can say whatever I want, right? Right. Anyway, we had a great night out for dinner and my marriage has been renewed!

1 comment:

Wes said...

Thank God we moved to the ocean, the greatest stress reliever in the history of stress relievers! And Tower 7's fajitas do pretty good at relieving stress as well. I'm already looking forward to our next date! Love you!