Tuesday, May 15, 2012

God's grace

God's grace. That is the topic today of my daily devotional. "Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces." God's grace is one of the most amazing things to me about our savior. That he does not keep a record of what I've done wrong, of my regrets, of my sins, that He just wants to love me unconditionally. I think as humans this is one of the hardest things for us to understand because we as humans sometimes have a hard time not holding a grudge or keeping track of things we feel others have done wrong to us or how we feel we have been slighted or how we may feel that we have sinned to much to ever be welcomed into God's kingdom. This is never the case. God just wants us to seek him, to try to establish a relationship with him and to stay in the word. This gives me new hope to begin each day. That I have been given grace by God and that I may start new and fresh is a great reminder of his love for me. I hope that I can impress upon my children the amazing gift of God's grace.

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