Thursday, April 2, 2009

God fixes things

So the other day I was having a conversation with Wes's cousin about faith. We were discussing how comforting it is to know you have faith in a time of hardship, like with the recent passing of her grandmother. We were also discussing how we feel bad for people who don't have faith. We got on the subject of Wes and she asked me, "How is Wes's faith?" To which I proudly responded, "Great!" We got into a short discussion about this and she said to me, "So you straightened him out, got him all fixed up?" I said ,"Yes!", but then I quickly corrected and said, "No, I didn't fix him, God did." It was then that I realized that God can do amazing things, if you just let him in. If you open up your heart, let yourself be vulnerable, develop a relationship with Him and pray, anything is possible. Sometimes it's hard to see through the turmoil and struggles of everyday life to realize that God is answering prayers everyday. Although His answers may not be what you want to hear, often times He is still answering and guiding you to what is right, afterall he knows best. Although I don't have all the answers, nor does Wes, we're still very new to this relationship with God thing, we have come a long way together since our relationship began. I see the progress that we have made together and it makes me feel so full inside. So today I am relishing in the fact that God fixed Wes, so to speak and that answer to prayer in itself is awesome.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Love it! And I loved the pictures- those are so great! I can't believe ya'll will soon have a new little girl!!
We'll be praying for you guys as the time gets closer...hang in there!